Shipping Info
Who do you ship through?
Our standard shipping option is via courier, using Sendle. This option is available Australia wide, and takes around 4 - 7 working days to reach you.
How long does delivery take?
Please allow 4 - 7 working days for delivery.
As we dispatch with courier, the closer you are to either us, or a major city / metro area, the faster the delivery will be. We are based in Indooroopilly, Brisbane.
Do you ship internationally?
Yes, I can usually ship internationally. I don’t have an international postage option listed on my website, simply because the prices vary greatly depending on the size and weight of the piece, and usually are pretty exorbitant.
If you live outside of Australia and would like to purchase one of my pieces, please get in touch with me here, so that I can send a shipping quote over to you.
Any other questions?
Please write to me with any other queries or concerns, here.